Tuff Spot Play – Painting With Trains

Yesterday we got a parcel, a rather large parcel. Our Tuff Spot had arrived!

For those who don’t know, a Tuff Spot is an large octagonal plastic tray that can be used for hundreds of activities including messy play, small world play, crafting, sand play, water play, and anything else you can think of!

I have wanted a Tuff Spot for a long, long time, yet for some reason have never actually got round to buying one. I have been using 2 gravel trays instead, purchased from the local garden centre. These gravel trays are fairly large (around 60cm by 40cm) but with Ben now joining in all our messy play and crafting, they just aren’t big enough any more. But I was stuck in the rut of using them. I needed a push in the right direction; someone to say “Now is the time; buy the Tuff Spot”!

And then a few days ago, a conversation on twitter and this post by Susanne at Ghostwriter Mummy gave me the push to do it.

I am now the proud owner of not one, but 2 Tuff Spots (well, you know, one would never be enough in this house!)

So, what to do for our first Tuff Spot activity?

While I was browsing the web the other day, Jasmine caught sight of this activity from Jennie at Edspire and has been asking to do it every day since. When she asked yesterday I could finally say Yes!

So today I covered the Tuff Spot in paper, blobbed on some paint, gave the kids a train each and let them loose!

The kids had a great time. I really enjoyed watching them. It was win-win wasn’t it!

So, what to do next?

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6 thoughts on “Tuff Spot Play – Painting With Trains

  1. Oh, that Tuff Spot looks cool! Love the train painting…here’s our try at it: http://play-trains.com/painting-with-trains/ Pinning this to my Train-Themed Activities board.

  2. Carly says:

    Off to nick the one my hubby uses for mixing concrete! Thanks for the reminder!!

  3. Awesome! So glad you enjoyed it! I have so many ideas!!!

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